Forever Young BBL – the closest thing to the fountain of youth

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What is broadband light?

Broadband(BBL) therapy is an intense pulse light that contains wavelengths in the visible light and infrared spectrum.  The light penetrates into the epidermis and dermis and actually works  at  the molecular level changing the genes to closely resemble genes of younger skin.  These changes reinvigorate your skin  and as a result show clinical changes of smoothness, increased elasticity and firmness.  In addition, it targets the reds and browns in  the skin which evens out your skin tone and increases the radiance of the skin.With regular BBL treatments one can expect a clearer , smoother , and more youthful looking skin.

We have been doing BBL treatments for almost 9 years and I have been a big fan of this treatment. I recently had the opportunity to attend a full day advanced course in BBL treatments with Dr. Patrick Bitter who developed the Forever Young BBL protocols and was involved in the molecular studies at Stanford.  It was an exceptional opportunity to get an insight into his exact treatment protocols and parameters.  After his course, I am an even bigger fan of this technology and the possibilities it can do for photo rejuvenation for patients.

As a result of this experience, we are in the process of revamping our protocols of treatment to improve on the excellent results we are already achieving.  In addition, we are adding a new modality to our treatment arsenal. It is Skintyte II which is the latest innovation in skin tightening from Sciton.  We will be combining this with the BBL treatments to obtain even better results. Dr. Bitter has added this to his photorejuvenation treatments.  We will be adding this technology hopefully by February 1st.  This is a very exciting change and I know the results for our clients will be even more exciting.     – Dr LaBine


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